Friday, January 28, 2011


are you here?

i miss you, i shouuldnt say this but i do.i suppose its probably due to some sort of unfound jealousy or maybe the feeling that i am no longer wanted. i want to feel wanted, i guess that is all i have ever been after, after all standing out and acting out, you know how i was. maybe its the fact that i know you have loved, and probably still love, someone else, or better yet, several others.

you're mine.
you always have been.
you just forget sometimes,
its alright, we all do.
but just know,
you will
come back to me.

and you are back to me,
just the same as you were.
wind in my hair, hand on your heart,
i jerk away,

whats wrong with me?
i cant remember,
it was important.

its gone.